Put your details in this form…

Sharon Dale
2 min readJan 27, 2025


This was previously posted on pixlz.com which is the home of my reckons. To find out more about how I empower neurodivergent professionals to thrive at work visit http://21cmindset.com

I remember hearing about the Cambridge Analytica scandal and some of the techniques used to harvest people’s data. The problem is that some things are really hard to ignore. That’s how they get you.

Firstly only do this if you personally are happy to. I don’t know what it does but the data about my overuse of Emoji is there for all to see on BlueSky.

I am not one for “tell us everything you know about your digital life” but I can’t resist a nice “who do you interact with most on this platform” so when I saw #emojibubble I had to have a go.

The first time I did it it took me a minute to work out why I had a load of squares. I realised that I had played Wordle and Connections and shared them a few times.

A white circle on a blue background. Inside the circle is lots of different emoji with the most used near the centre and larger and the least used to the edges and smaller. The top five are a green square, a white square, a yellow square, a blue square and a pink square “all time #emojibubble for @pixlz.com Generate your at https://skythings.lukeacl.com/emoji-bubble

Once I deleted those I ran it again. That tracks.

A white circle on a blue background. Inside the circle is lots of different emoji with the most used near the centre and larger and the least used to the edges and smaller. The top five are a red heart, party face, Tada, thinking face and a dog “all time #emojibubble for @pixlz.com Generate your at https://skythings.lukeacl.com/emoji-bubble

Most are obvious to me but the cricket bat and extinguisher confused me and so I searched and it all made sense.

BlueSky exchange Sharon Dale: How many blokes are up early, chasing those Oasis tickets like it’s their ‘Supersonic’ mission. No time to ‘Wonderwall’ — just ‘Roll With It’ and grab that ‘Morning Glory.’ #oasis2025 Simon Wilson: (Not arsed about the gigs, but slightly curious who the rest of the band will be given the various lineups.)

Originally published at http://pixlz.com on January 27, 2025.



Sharon Dale
Sharon Dale

Written by Sharon Dale

Empowering Neurodivergent professionals to thrive at work

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