Weeknote S10:E05

Theme — Back in the North

Sharon Dale
6 min readMay 18, 2024

“Weeks are the four-on-the-floor kick-drum of eternity” Russell Davies

Most of this week was spent either driving to and from Macclesfield or being at Agile Manchester. We left home on Tuesday at about lunchtime and got to Macclesfield, where we were staying, at about 6:15. Mick and Roxy came with me.

On Wednesday I got the train into Manchester and walked to the studio in Hive in the Northern Quarter. I am quite familiar with that bit of Manchester thanks to my stint working with Department for Education and wandering round the various eateries with the team.

Dog claws on a wooden floor had made for a bit of a disturbed night so I didn’t leave the hotel until after 9:00 which meant I missed the keynote on day one and I got there in time for the first tea break.


My first session was by Holly Donahue who is a Fractional Chief Product Owner. Apparently the term fractional is becoming more common in digital roles. It means she provides services to a number of businesses.

Holly’s session was great and covered lots of ground for people who have read all of the books and have an image of the work they would like to do but they have not fully considered the environment in which they are working.

Holly in front of a slide showing Leonardo di Caprio with a martini and Austin Powers with a martini
Expectations vs reality

Holly talked about Andy Tabberer, who I know from our Systems Convening group, and how he helped build relationships related to the piece of work Holly was doing.

My Tweet May 15th “Hearing about @AndyTabberer ’s system convening work live at #agileManchester from Holly Donogue”

Next up was Sathpal Singh who continued the theme about product leadership.

Sath shared an image of his career. Mine is more like Spaghetti junction with some dead ends.

A slide showing a winding road with a number of yellow notes with job roles Sath has carried out; Development team lead, Head of digital development, Director of engineering, Organiser of future work of Scotland, Chair of BCS Agile Methods, Chief operations officer for Agile20reflect festival, Engineering practice lead, Keynote speaker, Product Owner, Community Development Lead

Sath talked about bias and shared a great article from HBR in January 1986

From that article — “Some words of caution are in order. The holistic approach to product development may not work in all situations. It has some built-in limitations: It requires extraordinary effort on the part of all project members throughout the span of the development process. Sometimes, team members record monthly overtime of 100 hours during the peak and 60 hours during the rest of the project.”

Thankfully the manifesto came along in 2001 to recommend a sustainable pace.

At lunch I chatted to Nick Smith who I worked alongside on the Service Manual team at GDS for a while.

In the afternoon I went to Hannah Del’Armi and Stephen Mounsey’s session, Agile Adhesion: making it stick. I enjoyed the embodied work using constellations. As Hannah said it can feel a bit “woo” but I am usually able to make the space safe enough for people to join in to different levels depending on how comfortable they are.

We did a 1:1 session with another participant. I would like to say thank you to Michael as it was something I had not really given enough thought to. I have use embodied constellation work for a long time. Can anyone remember the fruit estimating in Fulham and in particular Angus’s orange?

Fruit images used in an exercise about estimation, mango, apple, dragon fruit, strawberry, orange, cherries, kiwi fruit, bananas, blueberries & pineapple

At the end of day one I had very sore feet and still had to walk back to Piccadilly and then up a big hill in Macclesfield. We went to the Picturedrome food court for dinner. Roxy was spoilt with fusses.

On day two I got away in plenty of time to get to the venue and do some bits before Emily Webber’s keynote, which was a great follow on from Giles Turnbull’s one at Agile in the City Bath & Bristol last year. Emily’s focused more on hybrid environments and was packed with good stuff.

After the break I attended the session on Psychological safety by Jitesh Gosai from the BBC which was great but is something I probably don’t need to attend any more sessions on and at the split moved to one of the quiet spaces and spent the next 45 minutes finessing my slides.

Here is the room before my talk

My session was after lunch and I was surprised how full the room was, (Not shown above).

I don’t normally bother with speaker notes but as I wanted to give some of the recommendations from the Buckland review I had put some in. I could not get the correct screen on the projector so I gave up that idea.

The talk went well apart from that, I would have been better off putting some sticky notes into the report. Ah well, lesson learned.

I used Ahaslides to get some feedback and questions as we moved through the talk. I will write it up separately and link it back here.

There were some great questions and people seemed to get a lot out of it. I have already been asked to give the talk again so that has to be a good sign.

Wide array of ND identity  Awareness is increasing  Being inclusive  Improve processes for all  Difficulties  I’m neurodivergent  Excellent talk  People who add to culture  The Buckland Report  Add not take away  15/20 percent of UK  Good for ND good for all  Awareness  Practise inclusiveness  Cynefin framework  Culture add over Culture  Treat people well  Utilise  Identify strengths  More people are aware  Interviews  Understanding terminology Treating everyone equally spectrum of conditions

During the conference I met a few people who said some version of “I know you off Twitter” which is always great. I got to see quite a few people I have not seen for a good while.

Again my feet were killing me by the time I left the venue. I left early so that I could meet Imran Hussain for a natter.

Next talk I will be wearing my allbirds

When I got back to Macclesfield I had left the car at the station and had not paid enough attention to the parking so I got a ticket #ADHDtax

We went to the Picturedrome again and Roxy was spoilt, again, lots of fusses and someone brought her a bone dog treat.

I was hoping to meet with someone on Friday morning but they had a thing so we checked out of the hotel by 09:30 and headed off. This meant that despite a bit of traffic on the M5 we made it home by 5pm. We would have visited Leeds but my mother in law is still gadding about in Australia.

Next Week

Next week I am staying in Dorset, I have some coaching sessions, a conversation about a big decision and I should start preparing for my next talk.

This weekend we will be catching up with Mum & Dad. Dad wants a ‘getting familiar with your new car’ session as he still hasn’t driven it. Mum has a GP appointment for her lower leg neuropathy and they will hopefully get their Covid jabs soon as they are now registered as housebound and can get a visit.

My next planned open talk is at Agile Yorkshire in July. https://agileyorkshire.org/

Have a great weekend



Sharon Dale
Sharon Dale

Written by Sharon Dale

Empowering Neurodivergent professionals to thrive at work

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