Weeknote S10:E08
Theme — I can’t think of one…
To be fair it is 03:17.
“Weeks are the four-on-the-floor kick-drum of eternity” Russell Davies
In case you missed the news there will be a general election on July 4th.
If you have moved since you last voted or never voted you will need to register to vote by 11:59pm on 18 June 2024.
If you are going to be away at the time of the election you might want to apply for a postal vote by 5pm on 19 June 2024.
If you don’t have accepted voter ID you might need to apply for a votor authority certificate by 5pm on 26 June 2024.
I had a couple of coaching sessions this week for people who have busy, challenging jobs and so I hope I was an oasis of calm for them.
My mother in law is back in the country having been away visiting her daughter and family in Australia since November.
On Thursday morning we went to a small local remembrance ceremony for the 80th anniversary of Operation Overlord. My paternal grandad took a landing craft to Sword beach on D-Day so I was thinking about him. He spent most of the war in the far east, returned to the UK in 1946 and lived until 1983.
A few regular meetings were cancelled this week and I was there ready for them so that was disappointing. I cancelled a call on Thursday afternoon as I had got a bit hot standing at the remembrance ceremony for D-day so I had a big old nana nap instead.
I’m starting to plan for the trip to Leeds on 2nd July for Agile Yorkshire on the 3rd. I’ve booked a different hotel to usual so I hope that is OK.
ADHDisms of the week: I left my phone in the office on Wednesday because I realised at 17:12 that I needed to get to the pharmacy before 17:30 to pick up some medication for my Dad so had to go back to the office for that. The next day I was talking about timers etc and lifted my arm up to show my watch to realise I was not wearing it. Checked the charging cable in the office, the one at home, the bathroom, all of the usual places. The next day I spotted it on top of the air purifier, no idea.
Later today we will be taking a trip on a boat around Portland Harbour. I hope to see you all again someday. Keep me in your thoughts.
Tomorrow I’m due to take Dad for an X-Ray to make sure he didn’t do any more damage when he failed to bounce off the path last week.
Next week more of the same with a final (for now) visit to the dentist with my Mum.
Have a great weekend
A few new posts this week
A post about an ADHD friendly Trello workflow