Weeknotes S06 E03
Theme of the week — The one with no clear theme
Notes to the 29nd March
Weeks are the four-on the- floor kick-drum of eternity.” Russell Davies
5 things that happened:
Note: more than 5 things happened
One: On Monday I ran a one day Introduction to Liberating Structures with Henry at Happy. It seemed to go really well and the feedback has been great. I love hearing from people who have started using Liberating Structures in their workplace. The next one is in July.
Two: I went to Manchester on Tuesday for a couple of conversations in cafes. I met Kirsty in Ezra and Gil and Chris in Idle Hands.
Three: Back in Leeds I met Ange to hand over my academy resources.
Four: I was able to attend the Northern Servant Leadership conference after all. It was really interesting. I enjoyed all of the talks especially Peter Brook who spoke about his experience introducing self managing teams into community nursing in Kent using the Buurtzorg model. I met Mike from Sky who was at the LS Leeds event in February and was telling me about how he is incorporating LS into his work.
Five: We kicked off this weekend’s Global Service Jam in Leeds on Friday.
This week’s hotels
One night in the Hub hotel on Brick Lane.
This week’s travel
On Sunday I travelled to London and back on Monday night.
What’s next?
- Next week I am starting something new — watch this space
- Planning continues for the next Liberating Structures Immersion workshop in May
- A cold is threatening to break out 🤧
Thanks for reading, have a great week.